These are the transit analysis during 2020, so that you can plan the year accordingly. Psychological effects to be seen from Moon sign and Practical results as per your ascendant, so apply this transit results as per your Moon sign and Ascendant both. These are transit effects mainly, so those events will happen which are also promised from ongoing Dasha of your individual birth chart.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 9th house, Saturn in 10th house, Rahu in 3rd house and Ketu in 9th house with Jupiter.
Career: Career is looking good in this period as Saturn is transiting your 10th house of career, same time Jupiter transit in 9th house of luck , is also good for job change or place change. Transit of Rahu in 3rd house is looking good if you want to take some strong decision related to career , investment or business. If you are jobless then this year is looking good . The period is good for students too.
February ,June and September are looking good for career. July and August are not that good for career, rest months are looking average.
Relationship : For relationship too, Jupiter transit in 9th house is looking good . if you are planning for marriage or child birth then this period is good. Relationship with father and teacher will be good. Take care of mother’s health as Rahu is transiting in 3rd house. Rahu can create some issues with your siblings and neighbors, so need to be careful while communicating with people, where Rahu will provoke you towards materialistic pleasures, same time Ketu with Jupiter in 9th house will balance it , you can visit some religious places too.
March, September and October are looking good for relationships. February and April are not that good , rest months are looking average.
Health: For health , period is looking okay type , Though Saturn transit in 10th house can give some health issues in eyes, joints or back , otherwise overall health matter is good .
March , April and October are looking good for health , September and February are not that looking that good, so need to be careful in health and while driving , rest months are average.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 8th house, Saturn in 9th house, Rahu in 2nd house and Ketu in 8th house with Jupiter.
Career: Transit of Rahu in 2nd house , will enhance your desires of money and transit of Saturn in 9th house of luck , may not give desired results , so there can be pressure in work and you can feel mentally worried . Transit of Jupiter in 8th house , aspecting 2nd house , can give some sudden money like insurance , paternal property , some unexpected promotion etc but remember that most of the time delay and hurdles in results will be there . If you are student then good time to do research type of studies in your desired subjects. Moreover Saturn in 9th house indicates that you can blame your destiny and god , so in my advice , better to have patience during this year .
February, March and October are looking better for career. April, may and December are not that good , and rest months are looking average.
Health : Health matter too not looking that good this year , transit of Jupiter in 8th house , can expand your existing health problems like diabetes , Asthma , joints problems and stomach etc . As it is house of surgery too and Jupiter aspcting 12th house of expenses , so chances are there for expenses on health . Rahu in 2nd house this year , stay away from addiction of spicy food, alcohol and smoking etc . As Jupiter and Ketu are in 8th house of surgery and accidents , so you need to be careful this year while driving.
March , May and September are looking good for health , October, , November and December are not looking good , so need to careful in health matters , drive carefully.
Relationship: For relationship, overall year is looking average with your life partner, transit of Saturn in 9th house can disturb relationship with your father and siblings, take care of your father’s health during this year. The year is not looking good to start any new relationship till September 2020, after that you can plan. Overall year is average for your current relationship.
April, September and November looking good for relationship, August and October are not looking good. Rest months are average for relationship.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 7th house, Saturn in 8th house, Rahu in 1st house and Ketu in 7th house with Jupiter.
Career: During 2020, transit of Jupiter in 7th house of business and partnership and Rahu in 1st house , may provoke you to go for business , as Jupiter aspecting 11th house of gain , so it can be good time if you are planning for business , but remember Saturn in 8th house of delay , there can be delay in getting good results , money can also get stuck for some time, that means you need to have patience to get gain from your business . if you are in job, then period is average for you but yes 2nd half of the year can better for new opportunities . overall pressure can be there but you may get support of your co workers and boss. Saturn transit in 8th house , can give you gain from some legal battle or insurance or some long term investments.
March, July and November are looking good for career, May, October , may December are not that good. Rest months are looking average.
Health: For health, overall period is good , Jupiter transit in 7th house and Saturn in 8th house , indicates some health issues like joints pain, weight gain etc , otherwise overall period is good. Rahu in 1st house and Saturn in 8th house can also trigger health problems related to heart , so be careful . In a big picture, no need to worry much.
April, June and August are looking good for health, need to be careful in health and driving during March , November and December . Rest months are looking average.
Relationship: Definitely , good time for marriage or new relationship , Jupiter in 7th house , is going to support you after some delay due to Saturn in 8th house. Your current relationship matter is also looking good. Do not be arrogant and avoid arguments as Saturn aspect of 2nd house of speech can provoke you and Rahu in ascendant can add some overconfident .
March ,April and November are looking good , February , May and June are not that good , rest months are average.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 6th house, Saturn in 7th house, Rahu in 12th house and Ketu in 6th house with Jupiter.
Career : Career is looking better this year , Jupiter transit in 6th house , will boost for job change , promotion and onshore opportunities as it will aspect your 10th house and 12th house too where Rahu is already boosting. Jupiter aspect on 2nd house of money , indicates increment in money matters. If you are in business then be careful from your partnership matters as Saturn is transiting in your 7th house, that can also make you lazy , do not take major risk in your business as Rahu in 12th house can give you some losses too. For legal matters, time is good but after some hurdles .
May , June and 2nd half of August are looking good for career, July and December are not looking good, rest month are looking average.
Relationship: For relationships, time is not good , as Jupiter and Ketu in 6th house and Rahu in 12th house. Saturn transit in 7th house can make you feel like you are stuck in current relationship and that will also reduce materialistic pleasure too , if you are planning to get marry or starting a new relationship , then be careful.
September and December are looking good, March , June and October are not looking that good. Rest month are looking average.
Health: For health matter, time is average , there can be some expenses on health this year as Rahudev is hitting your 12th house and Ketu Maharaj with Jupiter in 6th house can affect your daily health. Take care of kidney, stomach and private parts . Donation on Thursday and Saturday will help you to manage health issues.
September, July and August are looking good for health, March and june are not that good , so need to be careful in health matter and driving. Rest months are average.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 5th house, Saturn in 6th house, Rahu in 11th house and Ketu in 5th house with Jupiter.
Career: For career, time is average , why I said average ? because Jupiter in 5th house with Ketu can create some pressure in work and provoke you to change the job , on other hand Saturn in 6th house will give you stability and Rahu in 11th house can give good gain in career , so better to stick with current job rather looking for change, if you are jobless then good time for to get a job. If you are business then time is good to expand your business. You will notice improvement in your confidence, network and skills too.
February , August and September are looking good for career, March and July are not looking that good, rest months are looking average.
Relationship: For relationship, time is good to start a new relationship, marriage or child birth as Jupiter transit in 5th house is going to help you. Saturn transit in 6th house can give some hurdles in maintaining your current relationship , so need to be careful in current relationship. Good time to spend with family.
February , August and October are looking good for relationship, May, July and September are not looking good. Rest months are looking average.
Health: For health matters, year is looking good as Jupiter is transiting in house of healing, chances of weight gain , some issues in kidney or joints are there due to transit of Saturn in 6th house but they are manageable as Jupiter may take care of your health. Betterment from existing health problems is also possible.
April, 2nd half of August and September are looking good for health. February, July and December are not looking good so be careful in health matter and driving. Rest month are looking average.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 4th house, Saturn in 5th house, Rahu in 10th house and Ketu in 4th house with Jupiter.
Career: For career, time is looking good , Rahu transit in 10th house will give you opportunities in career . Jupiter transit in 4th house will aspect 10th house of career, so good period in career for promotion , job change , foreign opportunities , increment etc. Transit of Jupiter in 4th house indicates that it’s good time to buy vehicle, property or renovation of property . Saturn transit in 5th house can make you lazy in actions, that can give you some delay in results but ultimately, good year for your career. Saturn will also give you success in your long term investments.
February , October and November are looking good for career. April, August and September are not looking good. Rest months are looking average.
Relationship: Good year for relationship and family matters as Jupiter is transiting in 4th house and Saturn in 5th house, good period for female to plan for child birth . Though transit of Ketu in 4th house can give some health problem to mother, so need to be careful. Good time to start new relationship or getting married in the end of the year. You can enjoy family life this year.
February, April, and August are looking good for relationship, November and December are not looking good, rest months are looking average.
Health: For health , period is looking average as Saturn is transitting in 5th house of healing , so daily routine can be disturbed due to some health issues . You need to be active and careful about daily health. Transit of Ketu in 4th house with Jupiter can give some health issues related to lungs and Saturn in 5th house can give issues related to stomach, so need to be careful.
July and September are looking good for health, August and April are not looking good for health, so better to be careful in health matter and driving . Rest months are looking average.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 3rd house, Saturn in 4th house, Rahu in 9th house and Ketu in 3rd house with Jupiter.
Career: For career, 2020 is looking good after some hurdles , Transit of Jupiter in 3rd house , indicates for increment in money matter from income and investments , if you are looking for job change or place change then Jupiter in 3rd house and Rahu in 9th house going to help you. Transit of Saturn in 4th house , promising for property purchase of construction/renovation of house , aspecting 10th house of career can give some hurdles but later it will also give stability . Rahu in 9th house can create some issues at your work place but it will be manageable.
March , August and December are looking good for career, May and September are not looking good, rest months are looking average.
Health: For health, this period is looking average , transit of Saturn in 4th house and Rahu in 9th house can give health issues related lungs , heart or feet , so you need to be careful. Jupiter and Ketu in 3rd house of longevity , will bless you with good health and recovery . Your existing health problems should be average, so no need to worry much.
February , August and October are looking for health . March, April and September are not long good for health , so need to be careful in health matters and driving.
Relationship: For relationship matter, time is average, good time to start a new relationship or marriage as Jupiter in 3rd house, aspecting 7th house will help you , but same time Saturn transit in 4th house can disturb your domestic happiness and health of mother . Transit of Rahu in 9th house can disturb relationship with father and teacher , take care of father’s health too.
February , April and October are looking good for relationship. August and September are not that good. Rest months are looking average.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 2nd house, Saturn in 3rd house, Rahu in 8th house and Ketu in 2nd house with Jupiter.
Career: Time is good for career as Jupiter transit in 2nd house of money is going to help you increasing your saving, 3rd house transit of Saturn is giving you courage to do something better in career . You will be practical in your communication. Jupiter ascpect on 6th and 8th house can give you success in interviews , competitive exams and court matter, though transit of Rahu in 8th house will create unnecessary fear most of the time but same time it can help you in getting sudden money too.
April, September and December are looking good for career, March , June and August are not looking that good . Rest months are looking average for career.
Health: Health matter is looking average as RahuDev is taking acre of your 8th house , unnecessary mental worries , fear of life will there , health issues in stomach area or urinary infections can be there. Moreover you should take care of your sleeping habit and food habit . Ketu transit in 2nd house can give problems related to teeth or mouth . Be careful while driving .
March, September and November are looking good for health matters, April, June and August are not looking good for health matter , so take care of health matter and be careful in driving. Rest months are looking average.
Relationship : Relationship matter is looking good as Jupiter is taking care of 2nd house of family. Overall relationship matter is looking . Good time to start a new relationship , though marriage matter can be delayed. Rahu in 8th house can create some issues in current relationship and may trigger a chance of extra marital affair too. Better to be careful in relationship . Saturn is aspecting 5th house of children, so take care of your children’s health.
March, May ,September and November are looking good for relationship, April and October are not looking good. Rest months are looking average.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 1st house, Saturn in 2nd house, Rahu in 7th house and Ketu in 1st house with Jupiter.
Career: For overall career , time is good but if you talk about savings and money growth , time is average. Saturn transit in 2nd house will give you stability in money matter but not up to the mark and after some delay and hurdles, on other hand Jupiter in Ascendant is giving you good confidence to do better . if you are planning to start business or change your job, then time is good. Be careful in partnership business as Rahu is transiting in 7th house, that create chances of cheating too.
April, May, October and November are looking good for career, February, June and August are not that good for career, rest months are looking average.
Relationship: Transit of Jupiter in Lagna and Rahu in 7th house, this transit is going to trigger you for new relationship or marriage this year, overall good time for relationship matters. If you are planning for child birth then Jupiter aspect on 5th house can bless you. You can also plan some traveling with your family as Jupiter is aspecting 9th house. As Rahu is transiting in 7th house , so be careful of being cheated or extra marital affair.
March, June and August are looking good for relationship, February and May are not looking good, rest months are average.
Health: Overall health matter is looking average, though transit of Jupiter in Ascendant is good for health matters but as Saturn is transiting in 2nd huse and Rahu in 7th house , that can give some problems in health like stomach or urinal infections or problems in joints. Though Jupiter is Lagna will manage your health well, be careful about weight gain too . No indication for major problems in health.
April, September and October are looking good for health, August , November and December are not that good , so need to be careful in health matter and driving. Rest months are looking average.
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During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 12th house, Saturn in 1st house, Rahu in 6th house and Ketu in 12th house with Jupiter.
Career: This yearly transit indicates that your career matter can be below average , Jupiter in 12th house can make you focus on expenses , meditation , losses etc , so whether you are in job or business , risk should be avoided , there can be pressure at work place too . Transit of Saturn in 1st house , can give you fear and negative thinking and stop you from taking big steps , though transit of Saturn on 10th house indicates that you will be able to manage your current job up to some content . Transit of Rahu in 6th house and Ketu in 12th house , not good for legal matters , but yes if you are planning for some foreign visits then this year is looking good. Ketu can give expenses on your health matters too.
February , May and October are looking good for career, May , August and September are not looking good, rest months are looking average.
Relationship: Relationship matter too not looking great , transit of Jupiter in 12th house can take you away from materialistic pleasures towards meditation and spirituality , Transit of Saturn in ascendant and aspect on 7th house , that can neutralize relationships , you may start thinking negative or suspicious about partner ,so this year , you need to be careful in your current relationships . If you are looking for new relationship or marriage then prefer end of this year or next year.
April, August and September are looking good for realtinship, June and October are not looking good, rest months are looking average.
Health: As you have already got some hints about expenses on health , so definitely this year is looking average for health , not bad. Problems related breathe, stomach , small injuries and sleeping can be there, so you need to focus on that in your daily life. Avoid taking stress and negative thinking, keep yourself in good routine, that will help you to manage negative impacts of Shani and Rahu.
April, May and October are looking good for health, February, March and December are not that good, so be careful in health matter and driving. Rest months are looking average.
Check Major Predictions of 2019
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 11th house, Saturn in 12th house, Rahu in 5th house and Ketu in 11th house with Jupiter.
Career: Career is looking good as Jupiter is transiting in 11th house of gain, profit , friends and social circle, so you may notice improvements in these matters, whether you are in job or business, this year is looking better. Though Saturn transit in 12th house can give you some unexpected expenses and losses too but that will also make you calculative in your expenses and Jupiter transit in 11th house will also help you . Good time to purchase property or vehicle too. For court matters, period is looking average.
March , April and December are looking good for career, June , August and October are not looking good, rest months are looking average.
Relationship: For relationship, time is looking average, Jupiter in 11th house will help you in getting married and child birth or starting a new relationship. Same time Saturn transit in 12th house can take towards mediation & spirituality which may reduce bed pleasures too. Rahu transit in 5th house can make you feel cheated too , so you need to be careful in current relationship and married life.
June, August and September are looking good for relationship, July and September are not looking good, rest months are looking average.
Health: For health matters , time is average, where Jupiter transit in 11th house is good for health matters, Rahu in 5th house can give progeny or stomach related issues , Saturn in 12th house can give some problems in joints or feet with some medical expenses too. Moreover you no need to worry much as Jupiter transit will help you to manage your small health issues . Your existing health problems too may be under control.
February, May and August are looking good for health. September, October and December are not looking good, so need to be careful in health matter and driving. Rest months are looking average.
During 2020, Jupiter will be transiting in your 10th house, Saturn in 11th house, Rahu in 4th house and Ketu in 10th house with Jupiter.
Career: Whether you are in job or business, good period for you, Jupiter transiting in 10th house of career , aspecting 2nd house of money , Saturn is transiting in 11th house of gain, aspecting 5th house of investment . Overall good period for job change, promotion , start a new business etc. There will be some fear in mind as Saturn 3rd aspect on Lagna but ultimately you may be able to do good. Transit of Rahu in 4th house, good period for purchase vehicle or property . Overall good period in business matter too.
February, May and December are looking good for career. September and October are not looking good. Rest months are looking average.
Relationship: For relationship , overall time is good , just you need to take care of Rahu in 4th house of domestic happiness which can be disturbed , there can be arguments with parents or relatives. Better to plan a trip with family . Jupiter and Saturn transit is good for relationship . Good time to get married or plan for child birth .
March ,July and September are looking good. February , April and August are not looking good, rest months are looking average.
Health: For health matter time is not that good, transit of Rahu in 4th house can give some health issues related heart, lungs or stomach , so you . Jupiter aspect on 4th house and Rahu , will try to manage it but still you need to be careful in daily life about your hygiene and health. If you have already some existing health problems then Saturn Aspect on your Ascendant can increase that, so you need to be careful. As 4th house is also house of vehicle , then be careful while driving.
February , March and September are looking good for health. August, October and November are not looking good, so be careful in health matters and driving. Rest months are looking average.
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Check Major Predictions of 2019
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